Islamic Month Ramadan Dua Day 17 – 1st Ashra Dua

It is the 17th day of Ramadan Kareem (رمَضَان كريم) month and the holy month is now moving towards its end. Ramadan Dua day 17 is the most searchable Ramadan Dua 2024 for today. Muslims are doing good deeds as this is the month they can try to make their life and life hereafter the best.


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We described a lot of materials regarding fasting in the holy month of Ramadan. We provide a lot of Ramadan Kareem daily Duas. Ramadan Day 17 Dua, you can also found at the end of this article. This is a known fact and basic for every Muslim that Islam stands on five pillars. Each represents a unique institution through which the believer builds their relationship with Allah Talaa and the creation.

All the pillars of Islam are so much important for Muslims. The most important pillar in Islam, without any doubt, is Siyam (صیام), or fasting. All other pillars also have much importance. It is possible that there can be an appearance of Riya, or show, in all other pillars of Islam, such as Salaat, Zakat, Hajj, and even the Kalimah.

ramadan day 17th dua

In fasting, there cannot be any kind of Riya. Fasting is especially totally for Allah and Allah Almighty will give the reward for this.  So, one can say that there is no such possibility in fasting. You have to fast as stated in the Quran and Hadith and the rest of the things leave to Allah Tala. Insha’Allah Allah will give us a reward that we cannot even imagine. Fast and recite the Ramadan 17-day Dua on this day.


Do charity and help the poor as this spring season of good deeds will come again after a year. No one knows whether he/she will be alive next year or not. So, do your best and make Ramadan Daily Duas as well from Allah Almighty.

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Allah is the only One Who knows what you are truly abstaining from food and drink. This is the only one Ibadah that is only known between the Creator and His creature. No one knows how much effort you are making for your fast except, Allah Almighty. It is easy to pretend to be fasting, while secretly, you may eat or drink.

Islamic holy month all around the world Ramadan Kareem 2024 (رمَضَان كريم) Dua day 17 is given as mentioned below. You can find this lovely Ramadan Dua of day 17 in Arabic text in image format. The English version of this beautiful Ramadan 17-day Dua is also given below.

Read also: Ramadan Dua day 18

Happy Blessed Ramadan Dua Day 17 in Arabic

Ramadan Dua day 17

Holy month Ramadan Kareem 2024 Dua Day 17 in English

English Translation: ALLAH, on this day, guide me towards righteous actions, fulfill my needs and hopes, O One who does not need explanations nor questions, One who knows what is in the chests of the (people of the) world. Bless Muhammad and his family, the Pure.

Ramadan Dua Day 17 is such a lovely Dua which is written above. Masha Allah, in this Dua a believer, is requesting from Allah Almighty. O, Allah always shows me and guides me toward the right path. The right path is that I have to do good deeds and with my hands and tongue, other Muslims must be saved. Allah Tala, please fulfill all my hopes and needs.

In Ramadan Kareem’s 17th day Dua, it is also stated that Allah knows whatever is in the chests and heats of all the people. Allah, Bless the last messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and his family, the pure.

17th day ramadan dua

Happy Ramadan Kareem month 2024 best Wishes

May this Ramadan reminds you to forgive and forget
To let go of the past and move forward
May this give you courage to start afresh.
Ramadan Kareem!

“O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous” — Surat Al-Baqarah 2:183

“Alhamdulillah! Ramadan is here again; a time to seek Allah’s forgiveness and blessings. Happy Ramadan Kareem!”

“May this month be a month of clemency for you as you turn to Allah for divine favor. Ramadan Kareem my brother!”

ramadan day 17 dua

Start the divine season of Ramadan
with a heart filled with love and peace,
wishing that Allah forgive us for our wrongdoings.
Let this 30-day of Ramadan be the start
of our repentance and enlightenment.
Have a blessed Ramadan!

May this Ramadan enlighten you and
clear your understanding and judgment between the right and wrong,
between the truths and false.
Wishing you a Ramadan Mubarak!

ramadan dua day 17th

Allah’s blessings will always be on us. Celebrate and enjoy as once again, we will be given a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness for our sins and be forgiven.
Ramadan Mubarak!

Qur’an reminds us that we have to stay pure before the throne of Allah.
As Ramadan is fast approaching,
Let’s prepare our hearts and minds that We may be united spiritually with the almighty one.
Ramadan Mubarak!

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